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Top Ten Signs Your Co-Worker Is A Hacker...

5 324  
You ticked him off once and your next phone bill was for $20,000.

He’s won the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes 3 years running.

He placed bets that Justin would not win the first American Idol.

When asked for his phone number, he gives it in hex.

Seems strangely calm whenever the office system goes down.

Somehow gets HBO on his PC at work.

Mumbled, "Oh, puh-leeez" 95 times during the movie "The Net".

A few Polish jokes

50 902  

Who told you that we can’t laugh of ourselves!? Actually a few jokes are some kind of funny.. even for Poles.

What’s long and hard that a Polish bride gets on her wedding night?
A new last name.

Why did the Pole jack-off on the football field?
His coach said it was an exhibition game.

Hear about the Polish 727 that crashed into a cemetery outside of Warsaw?
So far they’ve recovered over 7000 bodies.

Do you know why the new football stadium they built in Warsaw could not be used?
No matter where you sat you were behind a Pole.

A Polish soldier was confronted by a charging German soldier and a charging Russian soldier. Which did he shoot first, and why?
He shot the German first--business before pleasure.

Top Ten Things You'll Never Hear One Guy Say to Another Guy

7 619  

Does my butt look fat in this?

I’m tired of beer. What say you to a nice, fruity Chablis?

I can’t stop fantasizing about Dr. Ruth!

Yours is bigger than mine.

I think those big, jacked-up trucks look ridiculous.

There’s nothing I like more than a quiet evening at home, watching a movie on Lifetime about some woman who gives up her baby and then suffers miserably.

Want all my tools? I just realized I never do anything useful with them!

You know what always makes me cry? Those long-distance commercials.

I’m deeply offended by young women who go braless.

Our team lost 10-1. But we tried our best, and after all that’s the important thing.

Read polish translation

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